2016년 6월 29일 수요일

2016- JUNE 30th

I am so sick of these idiotic Korean man enabling themselves to prove that they are utter assholes with their own words. These motherfuckers were brought up to think that they do not need to consider any other feelings apart from theirs. And honestly, I think Korean (South) men are the most immature men demographic in the entire world ( possibly including whole wide universe). Plus, I really don't understand others defending these Korean men being assholes. "They are just very sensitive these days because they are stressed out." yati yati yata. WHO THE FUCK CARES.  That is no reason nor excuse to speak in a such rude manner. Just because someone is feeling like shit, that doesn't mean you can take it out on an innocent non-relevant person? FUCK THAT SHIT.
Partially, Women are the problem as well, as they taught their child with no better. I see so many stupid mothers allowing their 'beloved' sons to do whatever the fuck they want because they are so precious. So much more precious than women (as if they are not women themselves), which grant permission to these men to think women and their thoughts and feelings, don't really matter. It is not a factor to consider when they act of speak in a certain way, Men don't even realize that they are being rude, because they  actually don't no any better. Korea really is fucked up in so many ways. But really, I feel so strongly about this topic so much these days. Men, without even thinking, tell women what to do so naturally. They just tell women don't wear sleeveless dress, Don't wear heavy makeup, Don't laugh so big, Don't Everything.
I say, fuck off before I shove those words into your ass, morons.